by Michael Staudinger, MSc
Posted on 2018-05-07 18:53:18
After a long time of barely any changes on the website of the European Jazz & Pop Orchestra (short: EJPO) I did some major changes (or better said: I made a completely new version).
A lot of functionality is not embedded yet, but this summer will be a lot of additional work there.
You can have a look at the new website (except the restricted backend) at
by Michael Staudinger, MSc
Posted on 2015-02-06 16:12:33
For a project in university Antonia Haslinger (@Noni_x33) and I re-designed the website of the "European Jazz and Pop Orchestra" (short: EJPO).
After several months of designing and developing (there are many functions for the managers of the workshops too) we are basically done and released it today.